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Lots of people post info on their blogs or Facebook pages supporting animal rescue. I often wish I could adopt every critter I see.  I can’t, but there is something I can do to help one rescue – and that’s Phoebe. Here’s a Facebook link to the digital watercolors that I’m doing for everyone who donates $100 to Phoebe’s eye surgery fund.

She had to have emergency surgery to prevent blindness.

You can read her story here

Phoebe, the CyberCrime Dog

Phoebe, the CyberCrime Dog

FerretCroppedParakeets Coco

Fun with ‘watercolors’

I love working tricks in Photoshop but never was able to get a satisfactory ‘watercolor’ look using brushes or filters. After considerable thinking outside the box, I came up with a technique. I’ve done a lot of portraits and landscapes using this method. It’s kept me so busy with commissions that I haven’t had time to post. So I thought I was well overdue to share some results with you

Blending of Two Worlds, part II completed

Scanned into Photoshop and embellished

Blending of Two Worlds, part II


Blending of Two Worlds

Making simple collisions these days. A base, a strip or two of torn paper and an image. Then I scan it into Photoshop and add ‘brushwork’. No muss, no fuss, mistakes easily deleted.

Does this need a few more splats of color?

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday



Next time I decide to do a 9″ x 12″ stipple, just shoot me.

Couple of years ago I drew a samovar, inspired by an assignment from the noah scalin book “365, a daily creativity journal”. I blogged about it on March 12, 2011. Never did post the results. Now I can’t remember if this is complete, but I like what I have so far. Again, thanks to Charlotte for bringing samovars into my life.


Dat Gumbo in progress

Dat Gumbo in progress

I’ve collected most of the elements for my digital rendition of gumbo art.